Nueces Seminary ‘22 Summer Intensive

As a proof of concept, Nueces Seminary ran an intensive summer program to test the curriculum and viability of doing a similar program in the Fall. The intensive ran 2 hours a day M-TH and covered basics of Classical Arabic and Introduction to Fiqh of Salah and Taharah.

Summer 2022

Summer Semester 2022 (June 13, 2022 - August 18, 2022)

I - Classes will occur four days a week, Monday - Thursday, two (2) hours each day

II - Classes will occur onsite for locals and live streamed via Zoom for those out of town.

III - Attendance is expected however recordings can be made available for extenuating circumstances.

IV - Specific Class Timings are TBD. They will be mutually agreed upon by the group and teacher.

V - Textbooks will be made available via PDF and emailed to enrolled students.

VI - Summer Session courses are completely free of charge.

Course 1 - Classical Arabic Grammar

The aim of this course is to provide a survey of the most important grammatical principles governing the classical Arabic language. The students are expected to already know how to read the Qur'an and at the conclusion of this course will be able to begin translating the Qur'an on their own and be able to vowelize, read, and translate classical Arabic texts.

Course 2 - Introduction to Islamic Law (Fiqh of Taharah & Salah in the Hanafi Madhab)

The opportunity to worship Allah is one of the greatest gifts granted to humanity in this world. The Salah (prayer) is the central pillar of Islam. The Salah is governed by the dictates of the Holy Qur'an and the practice of our exemplar, the Prophet Muhammad (s). In this course, students will learn about the Salah and its related judicial rulings including what is obligatory, mandatory, recommended, disliked, and prohibited.  


Renovation of Nueces Apartments into Classrooms