Our Vision
For UT Austin graduates leave with a Bachelor's Degree in one hand AND a fundamental understanding of their religion in the other.
Our Purpose
The Nueces Seminary is committed to making Sacred Islamic Knowledge as accessible as possible to anyone and everyone willing to learn.
We are committed to offering authentic, relevant, and professionally delivered courses that are unparalleled in their sophistication and deeply rooted in our Islamic academic tradition.
We hope to thereby empower our students to connect themselves to Allah (SWT) and His Messenger Muhamed ﷺ , and to guide our students to become the best versions of themselves, to lead more conscientious and fulfilling lives, and become leaders and role models for others.
Our Objectives
Our mission statement directs our three guiding principles of Islamic Knowledge, that it should be (1) equally and easily accessible, (2) authentic, relevant, and professional, and (3) deep and empowering for the students.
We understand that different students have different circumstances in life, which leads people to have varying career, educational, and Islamic objectives and goals. We attempt to cater to all from those who are just wanting the basics to those who are eager for deeper Islamic studies.
Our Goals for the 1 Year Essential Course
The overarching vision of this program is for its content to reach as many students as possible and to introduce students to what is considered obligatory knowledge for all Muslims to understand and implement in their personal lives (fardh al-’ayn).
We hope to empower all of the students who graduate from this program with the essential knowledge they need to live as a Muslim in the best possible way, to lead more fulfilling lives in this world, and be better prepared for the next. There are four courses offered in the Essentials Program, FQH 101, FQH 102, ARB 101, ARB 102, and AQD 101.